The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) is the supreme authority of the Asian Games, Winter Asian Games, Asian Indoor Games, Asian Beach Games, Asian Martial Games, Asian Youth Games and any other sports events being held under the auspices of the OCA.

Any person or organization belonging in any capacity whatsoever to the OCA is bound by the provisions of the OCA Constitution and shall abide by the decisions of the OCA and follow the OCA Anti-Doping rules and Programs.

The OCA has formed these OCA Anti-Doping Rules (Rules) in accordance with the WADA Code, expecting that, in the spirit of sports, it will contribute to the fight against doping in the Sports Movement in Asia. The Rules are complemented by other OCA documents and International Standards addressed throughout the Rules.

The OCA Anti-Doping Rules were accepted in the 23rd OCA General Assembly held in Doha on 1st of October 2004. Subsequently in consultation with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) certain changes were made to the rules and the final version was approved and accepted by OCA in its Executive Board Meeting held in Kuwait on 5th of February 2005.

On the occasion of the 24th OCA General Assembly held in Guangzhou (China) on 9th of September 2005, H.H. Sheikh Ahmad Fahad Al-Sabah, President OCA officially signed the WADA code.