Dhaka 2010
Shooting is the act or process of firing rifles, shotguns or other projectile weapons such as bows or crossbows.
Marksmanship has inspired competition by hitting targets and testing accuracy. International shooting events then evolved and many variations of the sport emerged.
Shooting was first incorporated into the Asian Games in 1954.
List of disciplines
Related links
Sports Committee
The Sports Committee shall consist of one Chairman and a minimum of five members. The Chairman, nominated by his NOC, will be elected by the GA, while the Members preferably representing the 5 zone...
Sports and Environment Committee
The Sports and Environment Committee shall consist of One Chairman and Five Members. The Chairman, nominated by his NOC, will be elected by the GA, while the Members preferably representing the 5 z...
Sports for All Committee
The Sports for All Committee shall consist of One Chairman and Five Members. The Chairman, nominated by his NOC, will be elected by the GA, while the Members preferably representing the 5 zones of ...
Sports Federations
Asian Federation
Asian Shooting Confederation
International Federation
International Shooting Sport Federation