The Olympic Council of Asia always puts the athlete’s safety and wellbeing first. Harassment and abuse have no space in sport, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure safe sports all year round. Any athlete should be given the option to report to a safeguarding officer when needed.

OCA introduced for the first time a safeguarding officer during the 19 th Asian Games and a mechanism has been put in place whereby the athletes can report directly to the safeguarding officer. The OCA is committed in taking this subject very seriously and we will have the same mechanism in place in all our games.

Both the Framework for Safeguarding Athletes and Other Participants from Harassment and Abuse in Sport (OCA Games-Time Period) and the OCA guidelines for safeguarding against sexual harassment, abuse, and exploitation documents are pursuant to the OCA constitution and the International Olympic Committee Agenda 2020 +5, Recommendation 5: Further strengthen safe sport and the protection of clean athletes. Both documents have been supported by the medical, ethics, athletes’, gender equity, and entourage committees of the Olympic Council of Asia.